St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk, CT will offer a Solemn Christmas Midnight Mass (according to the Extraordinary Form). Certainly this Mass has not been offered in this area for many years. It will be worth making special plans or traveling a distance to attend. Carols will begin at 11:30 followed by the Solemn Mass at Midnight. The St. Mary Schola Cantorum, led by David Hughes, will sing Victoria’s Missa O Magnum Mysterium.
Spread the word about this very special Christmas Mass and plan to attend.
directions to St. Mary’s:
Here is a list of Traditional Masses being offered in this area on Christmas. We depend on our readers to help make this list complete. We would also welcome pictures from these Masses.
UPDATE: Obviously there has been a significant growth in the NY region in the number of Traditional masses celebrated on Christmas (around 16) compared to last year(10). And many of these are solemn high masses or high masses. I also suspect that a Traditional Christmas mass is being offered at some of the 20 or so other locations in this area where a Sunday (or at least regular)Traditional mass is celebrated. We would welcome pictures from any of these liturgies!
St. Mary’s, Norwalk, also has scheduled a Mass in the Extraordinary Form for Christmas Day at 9:30 featuring Palestrina’s Missa Dies Sanctificatus.
Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Bridgeport, 10:15 am.
Sacred Heart Church, New Haven, 8 am.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary, Griswold, CT, Christmas Eve, 10 pm. Also Christmas Day at 9:30 AM. directions
St. Bridget of Kildare, Moodus, Missa Cantata, 10:30 am.
St. Mary Church, New Britain, 12 noon.
New York
Immaculate Conception Church, Sleepy Hollow, Missa Cantata, Puer Natus Est, 3 pm.
Church of Our Saviour, 59 Park Ave., Manhattan, 10 am. Beginning of Jan. 4 Our Saviour will offer a Missa Cantata every Sunday at 9 am.
St. Agnes Church, 143 East 43rd St., Manhattan, Missa Cantata 11 am.
Our Lady of Peace Church, 522 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, 11 AM. This church has a Traditional Mass every Sunday at 9:30 am.
St. John’s Chapel at St. Johns Cemetery in Middle Village, Queens (80th St. and Metropolitan Ave.) at 9:00 AM on Christmas Day.
St. Matthews, Dix Hills, Missa Cantata, 9:00 AM. Gregorian propers from the Mass of Christmas Day, Missa de angelis ordinary.
ST. Ladislaus, Hempstead, Low Mass, 9:00 AM (subject to confirmation)
New Jersey
Holy Rosary Church, 344 Sixth St., Jersey City, Missa Cantata 10:00 a.m. Missa in Honore Sanctae Mariae Visitationis Pauperum by Somma.
Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, 32 West Franklin Avenue, Pequannock, Christmas Eve Carols 11:00 PM, Mass at Midnight (Sung), Christmas Day 7, 9 and 11 AM. The 11 AM is a Solemn High Mass.
St. Anthony of Padua Chapel, 1360 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, Christmas Eve High Mass, 11 PM; Christmas Day 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM (High Mass).
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