Perhaps most of the readers of this blog already have heard of the action of Pope Benedict XVI in removing the excommunications of the bishops of the Society of St. Pius X. It is a second momentous step – after Summorum Pontificum – in reestablishing and reintegrating Tradition in the ordinary life of the Church. Indeed, in some ways it is even more significant. For, even after the motu proprio, it was possible for the Church Establishment and the progressive forces to pretend that the Pope intended only an expanded, “merely liturgical” indult. But the SSPX has always insisted on the intimate connection among liturgy, morality and theology – and on the political ramifications of Catholic belief as well. It now can no longer be asserted that those who adhere to Catholic theology, morality and social teaching in their pre-1962 form are excommunicate. This action forces a dialogue between the forces of Tradition and the “post-conciliar” church on the entire range of Church life.
Do we need to add that the Pope’s act removes the outrageous injustice of Traditional Catholics being treated as excommunicate while the ecumenical embrace is extended to virtually everyone? That, after further reconciliation, massive new forces of priests, affiliated religious and laity may be deployed on the side of Tradition within the structure of the Church? That the Church may look forward to the end of the destructive competition between the “Ecclesia Dei” and “Lefebvrite” Traditionalists?
Initial indications are that the reaction of the opposition will be even more violent than that provoked by Summorum Pontificum. Certain “Neocon” or “conservative Catholic” commentators who with difficulty held their peace a year and a half ago are now loud in their criticism. The progressive wing of the Church is virtually incoherent with rage and is seeking at this moment to utilize their alliance with the secular media and political powers to reverse this Papal action. In order to further their own social and ideological ends these forces openly demand that this dreadful conflict among Catholic Christians should last forever. What we are witnessing is indeed the best possible proof of the interrelationship between belief and politics that European Traditionalists have always understood.
Much remains to be done. The SSPX and its followers are far from perfect – we have heard abundant evidence of that. There is a narrowness of view and a spirit of criticism – the products of the long separation – that will need to be repaired.
Let us thank Pope Benedict for his truly courageous act and offer our prayers for the further progress of the great task of reconciliation and for the establishment of unity in truth.
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