On Friday, September 18, the Society and St. Mary’s parish, Norwalk, CT sponsored a Solemn High Mass at the Church of Our Saviour on Park Avenue. Despite the rather early hour of 5:30 in the evening the liturgy was well attended. Afterwards, St. Mary’s parish held a fundraising reception and dinner in support of the restoration of the sanctuary of the church. It is a most ambitious plan to return the interior of this venerable church to its original splendor.
The ceremony and music of this liturgy were of great beauty – as always David Hughes and his Schola were magnificent. One extraordinary aspect of this Solemn Mass was that it was finished in exactly 47 minutes(dictated by scheduling limitations). I will leave up to the innumerable liturgical commentators of the web whether this constitutes some kind of record.
Afterwards, a reception and dinner were held in the august surroundings of the Union League Club.
Mr. Robert Monahan (right), organizer of this most successful evening, next to the “other” Dr. Robert Moynihan, the guest speaker (center).
Mr. Nicholas Salazar, Ph.D. candidate at Yale, introduced the evening, speaking movingly of his first encounters with the Traditional liturgy.
Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside the Vatican, spoke on the topic of Summorum Pontificum.
Duncan Stroik, architect of the planned renovations, attended.
Father Greg Markey spoke about the plans for the renovation of the Sanctuary of St. Mary’s.
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