Fr. Richard Cipolla will be presenting a six week Latin course at St. Mary Church in Norwalk. It will begin on Monday, October 26 at 7:45 pm and will continue to November 30. This course in NOT intended to be a high powered course in Latin grammar and translation. It has as its aim to make Catholics familiar with the language that is still the official language of the Catholic Church and of the Liturgy.
The course will include some instruction in the Latin language itself, looking at the Ordinary parts of the Mass, examining some of the Collects, refreshing our memories for basic prayers in the Latin like the Hail Mary, and importantly, looking at the translations in English and comparing them to what the Latin actually says.
This course is not for experts; it is for the ordinary Catholic who wants to deepen his or her understanding of the faith through the language that lies at the very heart of Catholic worship and culture.
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