There will be a Solemn High Mass on Saturday, December 15 at 2:30 PM at the church of Our Lady of Good Counsel(Fr. Kazmirez Kowalski, Pastor). The location of this parish is
230 East 90 Street, New York, NY.
The Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Justin Wylie, a noted homilist.
He will be assisted by Fr. Christopher Salvatore, from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in East Harlem, serving as the deacon and Mr. Steven Pack, serving as the Substitute Sub-Deacon.
The Mass is a 2nd class Votive mass to Our Lady. It will form part of a spiritual retreat which will include:
1:30 PM, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and Spiritual Guidance/Confessions. The Holy Rosary will be recited.
2:30 PM, Solemn Mass with Fr.Justin Wylie delivering a homily for spiritual recollection. After the mass, there will be a consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The church will open around 1:00 PM. I might add that Our Lady of Good Counsel is one of he most beautiful Catholic churches in New York. Our Society also sponsored a Mass here in 2007.
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