(Above) Mr David Hughes led the assembled musical forces.
Yesterday the St.Hugh of Cluny Society sponsored a festive mass for the Feast of St Mark – which also marked the third annual Hispanic Heritage Pilgrimage. Canon Jean-Marie Moreau of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, celebrated the liturgy, assisted by Fr. Christopher Salvatori, SAC(Deacon) and Mr Manuel Albino (Subdeacon). Mr William Riccio was the Master of Ceremonies. We would like to thank Fr. Edward Russell, pastor of this church, and the other clergy and staff who could not have been more helpful and gracious to us in organizing this liturgy.
(Above and Below) The polychoral music was extraordinary – a performance facilitated by the layout of the church of Our Lady of Esperanza with its balconies surrounding the nave. At times the music required David Hughes to direct from the midst of the nave.
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