(above) A picture of the sanctuary taken on August 24, 2014.
Just within the last couple of weeks, Fr. Robert Robbins – the newly confirmed pastor – has resumed his “restoration” of the church of Saviour. It has been reported that the objective is to entirely purge the art of Ken Woo (and others) from the sanctuary. Today I could confirm that another column has been stripped of Woo’s icons:
(Above) A picture taken today. Notice the column to the center rear. My apologies for the picture quality
As was the case last year, Fr. Robbins has not published or announced any explanation for what is going on – at least as far as I am aware. The goals and objectives of the “restoration” are known only to him and his initiates. In the rear of the church, however, there is now a set of mysterious photographs of the sanctuary pre-Rutler and pre-Woo. (These cases in the rear used to be full of information, books and helpful materials under the prior administration of this parish; they are now almost totally empty.) These photographs undoubtedly show what Fr. Robbins has in mind:
(Above) Pictures of the unrestored sanctuary (Below) The Transfiguration – perhaps a photo dating back to the opening of the church.
Our hunch is reinforced by the emphasis Fr. Robbins gives this feast in the current parish bulletin. Now looking at the above pictures, one would have to conclude that the apparent attempt to restore early 1960’s church art has to be – aesthetically speaking – bizarre beyond belief. Those years were the absolute nadir of ecclesiastical art. But Fr. Robbins was pastor for many years of the pseudo-modern Holy Family parish, which dates to a few years after Our Saviour and is one of the ugliest churches in Manhattan. Perhaps Fr. Robbin’s taste in art was formed there. Moreover, it also seems entirely unclear, based on these photos, how much of this painting had actually survived into the 1990’s.
It is distressing that a church that very recently has been restored at such great effort should now be subject to an iconoclastic house-cleaning only 10-15 years later. One has to question the judgment of those who authorize unnecessary projects of this kind – one could also mention former Monsignor Hull’s Sheen Center. These expensive projects proceed at a time when so many Catholics are being thrown our of their parishes which will in due course be offered to developers – because, supposedly, the Archdiocese is strapped for funds.
We look forward to an explanation from the pastor or the Archdiocese as to what is going on. I also hope this latest move of Fr. Robbins receives the press attention that it deserves.1)
1) Especially from one particular neocon high priest who effusively praised this very church and its new paintings in 2005 – we hope to hear from him soon.
For a view of the church with Woo’s artwork complete see HERE and HERE.
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