We received the following schedule of special Masses at Holy Innocents Church, Manhattan. All are according to the extraordinary form.
On Tuesday, February 2, 2016 is the Feast of the Presentation (Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary). On that day, the Church of the Holy Innocents will have a Solemn Mass at 6 PM. On Tuesday, February 2, 2016 is the Feast of the Presentation (Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary). On that day, the Church of the Holy Innocents will have a Solemn Mass at 6 PM. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their own (beeswax) candles to be blessed and to take home for their devotional use (please, label your candles in order to make it easier to return them to the appropriate owners).
On the first Sunday of February, the Church of the Holy Innocents celebrates the 115th Anniversary of its solemn consecration.
This year, that same Sunday is Quinquagesima Sunday, but being that the Anniversary of Consecration is a First Class Feast, the Mass on that Sunday (February 7) at 10:30 AM will be the Mass for the Consecration of a Church (Terribilis est locus iste).
On Wednesday, February 3, Holy Innocents will observe the traditional blessing of the throats after the 6 PM Mass for the Feast of St. Blaise.
This year Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday, February 10. On that day, we normally have two traditional Masses (one at 8 AM and one 6 PM).
Every year on Ash Wednesday, as many as 10,000 people visit the Church of the Holy Innocents and the Church Hall. The Church Hall will be open from 6:30 AM until 6:00 PM for the distribution of ashes. Many volunteers are needed to help in the Hall on Ash Wednesday. If you would like to help/volunteer, please contact Eddy ejtm83@aol.com.
The photo was taken last year during Lent at Holy Innocents, the pastor Fr. Leonard Villa, celebrant
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