I wish to bring to your attention some recent action right up here in Fairfield County, CT. The Convent of the Sacred Heart (aka “Sacred Heart Greenwich”) is a local institution that functions as a high-priced finishing school for the daughters of the well-to-do while maintaining some kind of nebulous Catholic identity. In that regard, it resembles its Manhattan sister institution, the alma mater of Lady Gaga. Now one of the students showed up with a Planned Parenthood sticker on her computer. In some kind of miraculous resurrection of Catholicism at the school, the young lady was told to remove the sticker or eventually face expulsion. And in this the school president was supported by the local bishop, Frank Caggiano!
Predictably, the local press, the proud citizens of Greenwich and apparently the bulk of the alumnae were outraged. What an infringement of this student’s rights! – after all, hadn’t the school permitted a pro-life club at one time? Perhaps understandably, given their Sacred Heart education and exalted economic status, the alumnae affected to see no distinction between pro-life, pro-abortion or pro-gay activity. Indeed, support for Planned Parenthood was loudly expressed. To complete the picture, we should add that Greenwich recently has been a hotbed of anti-Trump rage, what with anti-Trump “art” being exhibited at the grandiose local library.
And then The New York Times picked up the story……
If we may believe the local press, the easily foreseeable end of the story has now been reached: complete capitulation by the school administration and reversal of their decision. The young lady may now display her Planned Parenthood sticker while remaining in good standing at the school. In a sense it only confirms what already has been known for years – that not one shred of Catholicism remains in the Convent of the Sacred Heart. The diocese of Bridgeport, at least up till now, has been silent on the latest developments. Is it all not just one more powerful piece of evidence of the accelerating extinction of the Catholic Church in these parts, of the Church’s continuing inability to confront those having money and media power?
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