Corpus Christi Procession at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in New York. Below, an outdoor altar set up. (Photos courtesy of Teddy Thongratnachat)
Above and below: Corpus Christi procession at St. Joseph’s Church in Albany. Photo courtesy of the Extraordinary Form in Albany Diocese Facebook page.
Sung Mass for the Novena to the Sacred Heart last night at Visitation Monastery in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Photo courtesy of Art Bryan Manabat. Mr. Manabat reports: “The mural over the altar depicts the revelation of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, a Visitation nun. About 100 faithful in attendance, not counting the sisters at the monastery hidden in the chapel wing to the right of the sanctuary. Servers included a seminarian and NYPD officer. Fr. Saffron preached about how Our Lord’s side was pierced with a lance by the blind Roman soldier Longinus, who according to tradition was healed of his cataracts when the blood and water poured over his eyes. Father prayed that Our Lord likewise remove any spiritual cataracts due to sin and false theology plaguing the Church.”
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