The new US edition of the Catholic Herald no sooner appeared than it triggered demands for the exclusion of one of its contributors. I myself did fault the inimitable Taki’s recent Catholic Herald piece for, among other things, his anomalous view that the recent NYT write-up on Princess Gloria of Thurn und Taxis was favorable or at least fair to her. It certainly wasn’t – and the best proof of that is a follow-up article in which the NYT , based on the prior article’s supposed “findings of fact,” initiated the “shunning” of the princess. (Moynihan, Colin, “El Museo Del Barrio Drops Plans to Honor German Socialite,” NYT 1/10/2019.) You see, a fifth rate museum in New York – the “Museo del Barrio” which has its own lengthy history of administrative and other problems – disinvited Princess Gloria from a dinner at which she was to be honored after questions from “some” people and the NYT.
Princess Gloria per the NYT is a “practicing Catholic” “nowadays,” “whose intimates include several figures who vigorously oppose the current Pope.” Among these “archconservatives” of course are Cardinal Burke and Stephen K. Bannon. Never was the open support of the NYT and the rest of the western media establishment for Pope Francis more blatantly on display. And of course we hear of what the princess is supposed to have said about AIDS in 2001…
To gauge the level of idiocy and political fanaticism that prevails at the Museo Del Barrio and the NYT consider this from the above-ref ended article:
“The museum’s fourth leader in seven years …. said he wanted to explore subjects like immigration, exclusion and diversity, adding that museums sometimes “have to become platforms for political resistance.” … But the step to honor Princess Gloria was a step in the opposite direction…said Arlene Davila, a professor and author of a forthcoming book on Latinx Art. (Latinx is a gender neutral alternative to Latino or Latina).”
I’m sure Princess Gloria couldn’t care less what the Museo Del Barrio and its associates think of her. I would hope she and other Catholics – especially after the events in Washington last weekend – would have the same disdain for the opinions of the NYT.
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