Two communities impacted by the Archdiocesan retrenchment policy meet. For the first time in its new grand new surroundings, the community of St. Michael’s met to celebrate the divine liturgy. Actually things worked out very well in matters of ceremony and music for the small Byzantine community in its unfamiliar quarters. Moreover, the congregation was larger than usual.
(n.b. We were informed that the tabernacle has been temporarily moved to the Lady altar because the mural in the high altar’s reredos is about to undergo restoration. )

The Sunday liturgy will be celebrated at 12 noon. But how long will this fortunate situation last?
For the next few weeks St. Catherine’s will welcome St Michael’s Russian Catholic community…
The community was not able to continue worshipping at Old St Patrick’s and now they are discerning a permanent home.
(Bulletin of the Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Catherine of Siena, 2/10/2019)
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