An award from the Federation of German Architects is bestowed upon this new church of the Archdiocese of Munich. Built from 2015 to 2018, the church of Blessed Father Rupert Mayer is thus entirely of the era of Francis. Yet it documents the continued fanatic commitment of the clerical establishment of the Catholic Church to the “eternal verities” of the 1960’s, regardless of all the talk and contrary aesthetic movements of the intervening years. And why not, if the secular world is so forthcoming with its recognition? For this is only the latest prize this structure has won. It’s only a shame there are so few faithful left in Germany to take advantage of it.
The media outlet of the Archdiocese of Munich provides a video (see below) of the dedication of the church by Cardinal Marx ( he of “Synodal Path” fame). Aside from giving you a more complete view of the building, it’s very instructive regarding the situation of the Church in Germany – even if you do not understand German. Note how many of the ministers (other than the priests) and of the congregation are female – such as the acolytes in their alternating green and red attire. And how so many of the adults, both male and female, have gray hair. The filmmakers carry out interviews of the congregation, asking “What do you think of the new church?” Naturally, only a pair of very old women unreservedly condemn the new architecture – every one else is accepting to enthusiastic. Cardinal Marx conducts the proceedings more or less as folklore ( like the knocking with the crozier on the church doors), somewhat like the funny hats and dirndls worn by certain of the laity. It’s all very, very sad.
It is stated in the video that this building cost 15 million Euro. Cardinal Marx is very pleased with it. New Church Building in Poing receives architectural Award. (The video is embedded in this article)
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