Our own Bridgeport diocese in the great state of Connecticut took this step in 2018. Now, the diocese of Essen in Germany has appointed Sandra Schnell as its first woman parish director. She was interviewed in Katholisch.de, the internet presence of the Catholic Church in Germany.
Q: At your side is a “moderating priest.” What is your relationship to each other? Who has the say, when push comes to shove?
S. Schnell: “He is deliberately called the moderating priest not the pastor. (1) My mission is, very clearly, to lead the parish and the priest is to support me in doing so. He takes over the things that are tied to the status of the priesthood, such as administrating some of the sacraments. … But the moderating priest (also) presides over the Kirchenvorstand, in which I also have a seat. Moreover, he is rector of the parish church. (2) In this we have joint responsibility. The priest assigned to me, Johannes Broxtermann, at 70 years of age is already a senior and is set on being present primarily in a supporting role.”
(1) The word “moderating” (moderierend) that is used refers to a presenter or a moderator of a TV show or debate. (SC)
(2) I believe these last two functions of the “moderating priest” reference a parish administrative board exercising a financial management role and perhaps also the need to fulfill a requirement under civil or canon law. (SC)
SOURCE: Erste Essener Pfarrei-Leiterin: Meine Ernennung ist Hoffnungszeichen
See also, from the diocese of Essen: Sandra Schnell leitet künftig die Altenaer Pfarrei St. Matthäus
For the “views” of one Vatican office on the subject, see the Instruction:
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