Please help us to complete this schedule by sending in information about traditional Masses in the area.
St. Mary Church, Norwalk, CT
Palm Sunday: 9:30 Solemn Mass. (no 11:15 Mass)
Wednesday of Holy Week: 7 pm Tenebrae
Holy Thursday: 7 pm Solemn Mass; 9 pm Vespers and stripping of altars; 9:30 Vigil before Blessed Sacrament in altar of repose in upper church
Good Friday: 3 pm, Mass of the Presanctified; 7 pm Tenebrae and the burial of the Body of Christ
Holy Saturday: 12:30 pm Blessing of Easter food; 7 pm: Great Vigil of Easter; 11:30 pm festive reception
Easter Sunday: 9:30 Solemn Mass; 11:15 Missa Cantata
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, CT,
Palm Sunday: 8 am Low Mass; 9:45 Solemn Mass
Holy Thursday: 12 noon Solemn Mass; 6 pm Tenebrai
Good Friday: 12 noon Mass of the Pre-sanctified; 3 pm Stations of the Cross and Veneration of the Cross; 6 pm Tenebrae
Holy Saturday: 12 noon: Easter Vigil followed by blessing of Easter baskets (Aaron 3:15)
St. Joseph Church, Danbury
Palm Sunday, 11:30 am Solemn Mass
Wednesday of Holy Week: 6 pm Tenebrae
Holy Thursday: 6 pm Solem Mass, all night adoration
Good Friday: 12 noon Traditional Liturgy
Holy Saturday: 10 pm, The Great Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday: 11:30 am Mass
St. Stanislaus Church, New Haven
Palm Sunday, 2 pm, Missa Cantata, Fr. Richard Cipolla celebrant
Good Friday, 12 noon
Easter Sunday, 2 pm, Missa Cantata
New York
Church of the Holy Innocents, New York, NY
Holy Thursday, 6 pm, High Vesperal Mass followed by all -night adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Good Friday,, 3 pm
Holy Saturday, East Vigil at 6 pm followed by a festive reception in the parish hall
Easter Sunday, 9 am Low Mass; 10:30 am, Missa Cantata followed by Benediction, Festive reception in the parish hall after the 10:30 am Mass
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New York, NY
Palm Sunday, 10:30 am, Missa Cantata
Holy Thursday, 9 am Tenebrae; 7:30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 1962 Missal
Good Friday, 9 am Tenebrae; 3 pm Liturgy of the Presanctified
Holy Saturday, 9 am Tenebrae; 7:30 pm Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter 1962 Missal
Easter Sunday, 10:30 am Missa Cantata
Immaculate Conception, Sleepy Hollow, NY
Palm Sunday, 3 pm Solemn Mass. (only one Mass this Sunday)
Easter Sunday, 2 pm Missa Cantata. (only one Mass this Sunday)
St. Cecilia Church, Brooklyn,
Good Friday, 3 pm, pre-1955 liturgy, Fr. Richard Cipolla, celebrant
New Jersey
Our Lady of Sorrows, Jersey City,
Palm Sunday, 3 pm Missa Cantata
Wednesday of Holy Week, 7 pm Tenebrae
Holy Thursday, 5 pm
Good Friday, 3 pm
Holy Saturday, 10 pm Easter Vigil
St. Anthony of Padua Oratory, West Orange, NJ
Holy Thursday, Confessions 7:00 pm; High Mass 8:30 pm; Adoration at Altar of Repose
Good Friday, 12 noon Stations and Confessions; 3:00 pm Mass of the Presanctified
Holy Saturday, 4:00 pm Confessions; 5:00 pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday, 7:30 am Low Mass 9:00 am Low Mass 11:00 am Sung Mass
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