We had previously covered in The Churches of New York the saga of the Jesuit church of St. Francis Xavier on West 16th Street – its origins, its glorious past and where it stands today. Now “William Po” (a pseudonym) in an article on OnePeterFive has updated the story, giving some insights into the current life of the parish – apparently, through the end of the pastorate (as administrator) of Fr. Daniel Corrou SJ ( in 2019).
Jesuit Craters, Jesuits Cratering, and Margaret Sanger on Venus
And some things never end. If we take a casual look, for example, at the most recent parish bulletin of March 28, 2021, we read the following Holy Week message from the associate pastor:
This week our nation was again gripped in horror at two mass shootings. The first, in Atlanta, targeted women of Asian descent, killing six women of Asian descent as well as two others. This attack came after a year of increasing numbers of hate crimes targeting Asians.
If our nation is ever to break its addiction to racism and gun violence, we must have a national conversion to acceptance and love for one another.
As we enter into Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum, we are reminded of our call to work with all people of goodwill for peace, inclusion, reconciliation and justice.
Throughout Lent, many have been involved in the Lenten Racial Justice Examen; others have examined the environmental impact of their lives; and still others have taken more personalized journeys.
On Holy Thursday, we recall the institution of the Eucharist, when Christ took bread, blessed it broke it, and gave it to his disciples. We who receive the Eucharist are made into one community standing in solidarity with all who suffer. As a diverse people gathered as one, we affirm that all people share the same dignity regardless of country of origin, gender identity, economic status or sexual orientation.
On Good Friday, we recall Jesus’ suffering and death for the sake of sin and injustice. By his crucifixion, Christ suffered the reality of violence and humiliation by the powers that be. Yet violence and humiliation did not have the last word. Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday followed Good Friday. May the coming celebration of the Resurrection give us hope in our day-to-day struggle against bigotry, violence and injustice and in the building of a just community for all.
I don’t think William Po’s experiences should be surprising to anyone having even the remotest familiarity with the Jesuit order or St. Francis Xavier parish. And is it news that the Archdiocese is taking a hands-off attitude to this parish and the growing number of others like it? I am surprised why, given his own principles, Willam Po is or was attending St. Francis Xavier in the first place. The parish is, after all, extremely open about its guiding principles. Yes, Margaret Sanger crater is on Venus – but what about the National Historic Landmark of the site of Margaret Sanger clinic across the street from St. Francis Xavier church?
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