If you are interested in a teaching career, consider Regina Pacis Academy in Norwalk, CT. Please read this notice. Teachers and students here can attend the Traditional Latin Mass right next door at St. Mary’s every day at 8 am.
Seeking a career at Regina Pacis Academy is not just any job at just any school. It is not your typical 9 to 5 job. Nor is it the typical Catholic school. Regina Pacis Academy is quite literally on the front lines of the battle for the eternal souls of our children. Parents choose us to educate their children because we are the best at what we do: forming young men and women who—through their commitment to live by the Catholic faith — will transform and advance human culture. That advancement is not for the purposes of nebulous vague social justice principles or for comfort, money, or power. Our students go out into the world and seek to advance the culture around them toward virtue and heavenly beatitude.
At Regina Pacis Academy, this admissions season, more families have come to tour our school than ever before. We have received a record number of applications from families all over Fairfield County and beyond, and to date, we will open the 2022-2023 Academic Year this September with our largest enrollment in our school’s short history. Over the past 5 years, our enrollment has grown from 59 students in 2017 to 81 students this Academic Year and projected to be over 110 this coming year. We are welcoming 15 new families into the strong, traditional Catholic community at RPA.
We are a classical school that unapologetically integrates the intellectual and cultural traditions of the Catholic Church into everything we do and every class we teach. If that sounds like your personal mission in life, then we want to hear from you! Please contact Kim Quatela at k.quatela@reginapacisacademy.org to learn about possible faculty opportunities. Our website: https://www.reginapacisacademy.org/career-opportunities
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