29th Pilgrimage for Restoration in the footsteps of the martyrs returns to Our Blessed Lady’s Shrine of the Martyrs at Auriesville, NY, September 27-29 — Friday to Sunday!
The pilgrimage, now in its 29th year, is an journey of the faithful to Our Lady’s Shrine of the Martyrs in upstate New York, at Auriesville. Here, Jesuit Father Isaac Jogues and Companions were martyred, beginning with lay-brother René Goupîl and several Native American Converts in 1642, and later layman John de LaLande and Jogues himself in 1646.
Since 1996, pilgrims walk near and along the paths the saints followed as captives of the Iroquois. Their journey was hundreds of miles over 28 days under torture. Our journey, modeled on the ancient annual Pentecost Pilgrimage to Notre-Dame de Chartres, France, is 62 miles over 3 days and, though penitential, is full of joy. Our purpose is to honor Christ Our King publicly, to pray for the restoration of His Kingship in the family and civil society, and to make reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Pilgrims return to pray the traditional Roman (Latin) Mass, to confess, and to receive counsel and teaching from priests of solid faith every day.
Register online at https://pilgrimage-for-restoration.org/registration/
Questions? mail@pilgrimage-for-restoration.org 484/240-5797 http://pilgrimage-for-restoration.org/blog/
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