Catholic Church suspends operations at Connelly Theater in flap over controversial plays….
After the New York archdiocese prevented the production of “Becoming Eve” at the church-owned Connelly theater, the general manager resigned in prostest. The theater itself announced that it is ceasing operations with no sign when, or if, it will reopen.
This came after the archdiocese, which owns the Connelly Theater, prevented New York Theatre Workshop from putting on the play “Becoming Eve,” which tells the story of a transgender woman within the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. 1)
Well, since 1993 this building has housed the “Cornelia Connelly Center,” an initiative of the Sisters of the Holy Child aimed at “disadvantaged” girls. The name is that of the foundress of the Holy Child schools. The Catholic faith is still present on East 4th Street today, but cannot be said to feature prominently in the school’s publicity. And how long will the school remain here? From the strategic plan of the Cornelia Connelly Center:
Continue to utilize and maintain the building at 220 East 4th Street.
Explore options for alternate locations once our lease expires. 2)
The theater in the school building has been leased out for years to various off-broadway productions.
Now it is welcome news that the archdiocese is finally paying attention to what takes place on its properties. But is what was proposed to be shown at Connelly that different in spirit from a recent event at St. Patrick’s cathedral itself?3)

- Blum, Gillian, “Catholic Church suspends operations at Connelly Theater in flap over controversial plays“ The Spirit (10/28/2024)
- Cornelia Connelly Center, “Strategic Plan 2021-2026.” About the school see connellycenter.org
- See “Rosary Rally Organized as Act of Reparation for Sacrilege at St. Patrick’s Cathedral,” The Society of St Hugh of Cluny (2/23/2024)
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