The Catholic Artists Society is pleased to announce its next large event on Hallow’een, celebrating the great feast of All Saints with vespers, a lecture and a reception at the Dominican parish of St. Vincent Ferrer in Manhattan. The event is scheduled for 6.30pm on Monday, October 31st.
Artists, patrons and friends of the Society are invited to the ancient and beautiful liturgy of first vespers for All Saints, which will be celebrated by Fr. Uwe Michael Lang, a priest of the Congregation of St. Philip Neri in London. Fr. Lang is also the director of the masters program in Sacred Art, Architecture and Liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum in Rome, and a consultor to the office for papal liturgy. Fr. Bruno Shah, OP from St. Vincent Ferrer, and Fr. Michael Barone (diocese of Newark) will assist in the liturgical celebration. Gregorian chant and polyphonic settings for vespers will be provided by the Schola Cantorum of St. Vincent Ferrer, under the direction of Dr. Mark Bani.
Following vespers, Fr. Lang will give a presentation on the subject of Art, Beauty and the Sacred. A reception with refreshments will follow.
Fro further information see the website of the Catholic Artists Society,, or contact Kevin Collins at
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