On Auguust 8th a magnificent Solemn Mass according to the Dominican Rite was celebrated for the Feast of St. Dominic at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Seattle. Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle presided in choro. Reverend Daniel Syverstad, OP, the pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church, was the celebrant. Reverend Christopher Fadok, OP was deacon; Jesson Mata was subdeacon and “Director of Liturgy and Music.” The Tudor choir, under the direction of Doug Fullington, performed Taverner’s Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas and motets by Arcadelt, Crecquillon, Taverner, Willaert and Sheppard – as well as the propers from the Dominican Gradual.
Need we state that the ceremony and music were magnificent? The large church was completely full for this occasion. There is no question that Blessed Sacrament parish is now becoming a center of the revival of the Dominican Rite. For further splendid photographs of this liturgy and explanations of some of the particular features of the Dominican rite see the website of the subdeacon, Jesson Mata.
The cross facing inward (towards the procession).
The lighting of candles prior to the consecration.
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