Today the parish of ST. Mary’s moved back upstairs to the main church upon the completion of the painting of the sanctuary. it is part of vast project to restore the splendor of this church. In relation to the restroation of the sanctuary, the pastor, Fr. Markey, explains:
“The French blue with the stars is a clear reminder to all who enter that we are in a church dedicated to Our Lady. The Holy Spirit over the triumphal arch reminds us of the Annunciation, where the Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception, mystically united with the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, to conceive Emmanuel, God among us. The fruits from this union are evident by the gold rays, the stars, and various colors and stencils, all descending down up us. The fleur de lis, a traditional symbol of the purity of Our Lady, envelope the triumphal arch, and fall down like snow flakes on the church below. Over the two front arches we see the first and last words of the Hail Mary written in Latin, Ave Maria and Amen, which will continue around the entire church during the next phase of the church. The double stencil patter in the apse of the church of white crowns surrounding a gold letter M, comes from the nineteenth century English architect, Augustus Pugin, famous for his love for gothic designs.”
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