Last Thursday the Catholic Artists Society sponsored an evening of recollection at St Vincent de Paul Church, West 23rd Street. Fr. Gerald Murray, the pastor of St Vincent de Paul, delivered a an inspiring meditation on the role of the artist, referencing the writing of Romano Guardini and Pope Benedict. A reception followed in the Church hall. The Society is gaining traction. Attendance was good – I encountered one well-known (non-Catholic) painter. It was announced that the Society had obtained its tax exemption and Cardinal Burke had agreed to become its patron!
I regret to say Fr. Murray’s insightful comments concerning the need of the artist to orient himself to the beautiful contrasted greatly with the scandalous neglect of this splendid church by the New York Archdiocese. The condition of the interior is much worse than even two years ago: both side aisles have been cordoned off for water damage, the six large candles behind the altar are all awry and the lower sections of the glorious stained glass windows have been partially knocked out. We would hope that the government of France – if nobody else- could be induced to provide support for the restoration of this glorious monument to the French presence in New York.
The splendid tabernacle and monstrance – but note the candlesticks on what once was the main altar.
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