Day of Recollection Given by Fr. Cipolla: “Teaching Beauty at Schools”
On the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Saturday, September 15 from 10 am to 3 pm, Father Richard Cipolla of St. Mary’s Church will offer a day of recollection at the Convent of St. Birgitta, Darien, CT, 4 Runkenhage Rd., Darien. The topic will be “Teaching Beauty at Schools.” All are welcome. Cost is $15. Includes 3 meditations, Extraordinary Form Mass, opportunity for Confession and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. A potluck lunch will be offered. For more information or to register, please call Jacqueline Juhasz of St.Mary Church 203-866-7429 x 112 by Tuesday, September 11.
Teen Catechism
Father Markey will be teaching his popular catechism class for high school teenagers 5:30 to 8 pm one Thursday a month in the St.Mary’s church hall. The dates are September 6, Oct.4, Nov. 8, and Dec. 6. Sessions are free and open to all high school students. Please RSVP the religious ed office by Thursday morning: 203-866-7429 x 112.
Solemn Vespers in the Extraordinary Form
Solemn Vespers will be celebrated on Sunday, September 16 at 5 pm, followed by a presentation by artist Leonard Porter at 6 pm on the centerpiece of the church renovation, his oil painting ot the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the central reredos of the church.
A Day with Mary
On Saturday, Sept. 22 at 10 am, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate will offer a Day with Mary at St. Mary’s Church. The all-day event will include celebration of the Extraordinary Form Mass
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