This coming Sunday, May 18th, 2014, there will be a “Town Hall” Meeting about the future of the Church of the Holy Innocents during the Coffee Hour after the 10:30 AM Mass.
The purpose of this “Town Hall” Meeting is to discuss the Preliminary Recommendation of the Archdiocesan Advisory Group, which has recommended that the Parish (Church) of the Holy Innocents be merged into the Church of St. Francis of Assisi with the ultimate goal of closing the church (building) of Holy Innocents.
If you know other people who might be interested in learning more about the future of Holy Innocents or would like to help in some way, please encourage them to attend the Mass and the Meeting afterward. This Meeting is an opportunity start establishing a coordinated effort in order to help preserve the liturgical, spiritual, and social life of the Church of the Holy Innocents in midtown Manhattan.
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