On this same beautiful Sunday, several hundred process from the church of St. Catherine of Siena through the streets of New York. The Corpus Christi procession was preceded by mass – Novus Ordo, but employing more Latin and traditional music of all kinds than I ever heard before the early 1980’s and itself preceded by a clear exposition of the nature and advantages of celebration ad orientem.
(Above and below) The first altar is in busy St Catherine’s park – named after the nearby church. 1)
In contrast to Norwalk, the processsion encounters along the way numerous bystanders and motorists – mostly friendly if somewhat mystified. (“Do you do this every Sunday?” someone asks.)
(Above and below) The second altar set up before one of the hospitals of the neighborhood (Sloane Kettering, I believe).
1) For an account of some extraordinary details of this extremely busy park, allegedly borrowed from St. Maria sopra Minerva, see HERE.
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