At St. Theresa’s parish in Trumbull, Connecticut – the second Traditional Mass in just a few months. Fr. Brian Gannon, the pastor of st. Theresa’s was the celebrant; Fr. Shawn Cutler, parochial vicar at St. Theresa, was the deacon. Fr. Richard Cipolla, parochial vicar of St. Mary’s Norwalk, was the subdeacon. Mr. William Riccio was the Master of Ceremonies.
(above) St. Theresa’s is a 1961 structure of grand dimensions. It is one of the last great churches built before the fall – and much more successful than sister churches of that era. Mucb of the “pre-conciliar sanctuary survives. There is wood, there is stone and there is marble.The stained glass windows are not bad at all either!
The mass was for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary but the collect of the XVII Sunday after Pentecost was also read:
“Da, quaesumus, Domine, populo tuo diabolica vitare contagia……” How appropriate for these times!
A large congregation attended this liturgy.
Carolina Flores was choirmistress; Samuel Schmitt was the organist. The music included the “Missa de Beata Virgine” of Cristobal Morales and motets by Guerrero, Saint-Saens and Hassler. The gradual was a setting by William Byrd.
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