The parents of Regina Pacis Academy and its sister school, Cardinal Newman Academy, have organized an online auction to raise much-needed funds for the school. Regina Pacis Academy is an independent Catholic school located in Norwalk, CT. This year, by permission of Bishop Caggiano, the school has moved into the beautiful school building of St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk, CT.
If you could find it in your heart to support this school, you may go online to see many items to bid on in an online auction that culminates next Sunday, November 23, during the school’s fund-raising dinner.
The school receives no funds from any parish or the diocese. The parents raise all of the funds through a reasonable tuition and various fund-raisers including this one, the most important of the year.
According to the school’s website:
“Regina Pacis and Cardinal Newman Academies offer students their patrimony in the Catholic Faith within a classical education. Students learn to do all things well, aware that they act in the presence of their heavenly Father. Our teachers demonstrate their witness to the Faith, their dedication to education and their affection for their pupils. The reception of the Sacraments sustains the life of the schools.”
Students assemble for a daily morning assembly.
Father Paul Check, the school’s chaplain, leads students, faculty, and parents in the Angelus, the first of many prayers offered during the school day.
Last Spring, the school was honored by a visit of Bishop Frank Caggiano. Here he is visiting a Latin class of Cardinal Newman Academy high school students. The schools instruct all students in Latin, from Kindergarten through twelfth grade.
All students participate in weekly schola practice, receiving instruction in Gregorian Chant. The students chant the divine office once a month, sing at week-day school Masses and on occasion at Sunday Extraordinary Form Solemn Masses. Students, parents, and faculty have the opportunity to attend daily Mass before the start of each school day—and most do. Regular Confession is also available to the students.
Last Spring his Eminence Cardinal Burke visited the school, offered a special Mass, and addressed students, parents and faculty.
Regina Pacis Academy is proud of its yearly drama productions. Last spring’s play was Robin Hood.
A scene from the beloved annual Christmas pageant
Student Schola performs at the Christmas pageant.
Another annual event that is treasured at the school is the May crowning.
Here is a link to the online auction, where you can provide support for the school.
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