NEW YORK, N.Y. 10029
Rev. Marian Wierzchowski SAC. Pastor
Processions, Novenas, and Prayers to Honor Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Pontifical Shrine Church of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel, located at 448 East 116th street in Manhattan has announced plans for its 131th annual Feast in honor of its patron Madonna. Long the largest singularly sponsored religious procession in New York City, plans call for this year’s religious feast to run from July 6 through July 18.
Drawing thousands of pilgrims to the feet of the Blessed Mother, the feast, originally created by Italian immigrants, now unites Catholics of all racial, economic and social classes in their love and devotion to Mary. Indeed Marian hymns and prayers are chanted in various tongues: it is not unusual to hear French, Latin, Spanish and English as one walks a scant few feet among the thousands in the procession. The Feast is that universally appealing and multi- cultural.
Perhaps it is minor miracle in itself that the various ethnics get along, marching together in honor of Mary. Perhaps another miracle is that religious people make pilgrimages to Harlem, by the thousands yearly, or even that local residents still decorate their houses to honor the procession’s passing. The faithful pack the church, those unable to enter line the steps and street by the door. Each has his own special prayer. Some ask for help or a healing; some on their knees make their way up the center aisle in fulfillment of vow for a granted favor. All agree there is something spiritual, powerful here, and wish to be a part of it.
The Vatican itself has specially recognized the Mt. Carmel Shrine. In 1904, Pope St. Pius X, following the approval of Pope Leo XIII who had just passed on, ordered that the image of the Madonna be given the right to wear a golden crown. This was done in recognition of the graces received, and prayers answered at the Shrine. This privilege, known as “incoronation”, is an extremely rare one in Catholicism, and has been granted to only five Marian images outside of Europe. Indulgences were also attached for visits to the Shrine during the Feast.
Retired Auxiliary Bishop Sansiriq will officiate at the French/Creole Mass for the Haitian community.
Events of the 2015 Feast
Morning Novenas after the 9AM Mass
(excluding Sundays)
In Italian July 10, 11, 13
French/Latin followed by July 11 , 9AM
1000 Hail Marys
Evening Novenas Each night at 7:30 PM
In Haitian-French/Creole July 6,7, 8
In Spanish July 9.10. 11
In English July 12, 13, 14
Byzantine Eastern Rite
Liturgy w/Blessing of Sick July 12 at 5PM
Vigil Mass July 15 at 6PM
Traditional Latin Vespers July 15 at 7:30PM
Candlelight Procession July 15 at 9PM
Rosary and Litany July 15 at 11:00PM
Solemn Extraordinary Rite Midnight between July 15 and 16
Midnight Mass of
Our Lady
Latin (Tridentine) Mass July 16 at 6, 7AM
Feast Mass and
Grand Procession July 16 at 10 AM
Multi-Language Masses July 16 From 6AM – 8PM
Traditional Latin Pilgrimage July 18 at 11:00 AM
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