1. Ember Days – Wednesday, September 23rd, Friday, September 25th, and Saturday, September 26th will be EMBER DAYS.
Our Pastor has encouraged the parish to keep the traditional practice of fasting and abstinence on these days, as well as to attend Holy Mass for the sanctification of the season of autumn.
The Ember Days at Holy Innocents are always observed with, at least, a Sung Mass.
2. Solemn Festive Mass for Our Lady of Mercy – On Thursday, September 24th, 2015, Holy Innocents Parish will observe the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy as part of the prayers offered for the intentions of the Holy Father during his visit to the USA, during his visit to the boundaries of our Parish (Madison Square Garden is within the parochial boundaries of Holy Innocents Parish), and in anticipation of the Year of Mercy.
O God, Who by means of the most glorious Mother of Thy Son, wast pleased to give new offspring to Thy Church for the deliverance of Christians from the power of the heathen: grant, we beseech Thee, that we too, who love and honor Her as the foundress of so great a work, may by Her merits and intercession be ourselves delivered from all our sins and from the bondage of the evil one. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ…
May Our Lady of Mercy guide us in the practice of real works of mercy, and may God, through Her, free us from the power of the modern heathens who usurp the name of mercy at the expense of justice and the true teachings of Holy Mother Church.
3. Special Lecture – On Church and State by Mr. Charles Coloumbe.
On Saturday, September 26th, 2015 Mr. Charles Coloumbe will have a lecture on Church and State at 7 PM in the parish hall of the Church of the Holy Innocents.
Charles Coloumbe is a prolific author, lecturer, and Catholic historian. Charles presents an unmatched life story –from military officer training, to standup comedy, and speaking at Oxford Union– he is sure to present the most engaging, thought provoking, and purposive symposium of 2015 in the Tri-State area.
For more information, please contact Jon Mangin to reserve your place! You can e-mail him at JDMangin@gmail.com or call toll free 1-877-845-3798.
Admission is $20 per ticket at the door. Call ahead for a 50% discount! All are welcome!
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