Solemn Mass, according to the 1962 missal, being celebrated at the shrine in 2006.
This year from September 18-20 the “Pilgrimage for the Restoration” will once more make its way to the Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, NY and celebrate its concluding liturgy – no longer, alas, in the main shrine church. But they will encounter a shrine soon to be under new management. For the Jesuits are leaving after 130 years. The shrine – which has just undertaken a major fundraising drive – will remain open – at least for now. The shrine will rely on visiting priests to carry on as reported – somewhat inelegantly – by the local press:
“The Jesuit ministry will leave the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs, but visiting priests and nuns will still conduct Masses there.” The Leader-Herald
“Unlike a church, however, the shrine — resting place of four Jesuit saints — cannot be closed and sold off. Instead, it will transition to more of a tourist destination, with new signs and other enhancements to present information to visitors.” “With the loss of the Jesuit priests, the shrine will focus more on its role as a religious destination rather than a church community.” The Daily Gazette
I cannot say I am sorry to see the Jesuits go – what with their contemptuous and insulting treatment of the FSSPX pilgrimage last year and the hostility shown in recent years to the “Pilgrimage for the Restoration.” They have dug their own grave. But what of the future?
” [T]he Jesuits will turn over daily management of the shrine to Parish Property Management, Inc., which is a facilities management company founded to serve religious communities and institutions. It already helps manage the shrine. The company manages more than 200 religious properties across the eastern coast of the United States and Caribbean Islands.” The Amsterdam Recorder
So for the time being the shrine of the North American Martyrs continues to welcome pilgrims and “tourists.” I would hope that a shrine of such great saints will remain intact and accessible to all!
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