Yesterday evening, Father Robert Boyd, FSSP, celebrated a Missa Cantata at Holy Family Chapel in Convent Station, NJ to honor Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, whose body is interred there. Blessed Miriam Teresa was beatified in 2014 and is New Jersey’s first blessed. Born in Bayonne, NJ in 1901, Teresa became a Sister of Charity in 1925. While still a novice, she wrote of series of conferences, which were published posthumously in a volume entitled Greater Perfection. According the the biographical sketch available in the chapel “Teresa’s life in religion was short but filled with much work and suffering of both body and soul. Like St. Therese of Lisieux, she apparently lived a long time in a short space. She died May 8, 1927.”
Holy Family Chapel, where yesterday’s mass took place, is on the campus of the College of St. Elizabeth next door to the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth.
The motherhouse, where Blessed Miriam Teresa lived as a novice.
The schola from Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, Pequannock, NJ
(Above and below) Blessed Miriam Teresa’s relics are interred in an octagonal wooden box, in what used to be a confessional in the transept. A guidebook to the chapel explains that she used to go to confession there. A Sister of Charity, (standing to the right of the reliquary) explained about Teresa’s life. The photo at the base of the reliquary shows Teresa in her college graduation photo before she entered the order.
The chapel is well preserved and has many fine details.
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