It was a beautiful afternoon this past Saturday when St. Mary’s Church in Norwalk celebrated it’s patronal feast with a Solemn Mass within the Octave of the Assumption. The musical setting of the Mass was Mozart’s glorious “Sparrow’s Mass.” The church was honored with the presence of Bishop Frank Caggiano.
Bishop Caggiano kneels at the door of the church, waiting to be greeted by the pastor.
Acolytes bring a crucifix to present to the Bishop
Before Mass, the Bishop vests before his people.
After Mass, the congregation exits to escort the statue of Our Lady of Norwalk throught the neighborhood in procession.
At 6 pm, the procession pauses for the recitation of the Angelus.
(Above) Getting ready to set off the fireworks!
A festive dinner follows the procession, with entertainment, including a special guest singer.
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