The Roman Forum
27th Annual New York City Church History Program
The Pontificate of Blessed Pio Nono (1846-1878):
Catholic Renewal and the Discovery of the Frauds of Modernity
Lecturer: John C. Rao, D. Phil. (Oxford University)
Associate Professor of History, St. John’s University
September 9: The Last Days of the Restoration Era & the Election of Pio Nono
September 16: 1848: A “Spring Time of the Peoples”?
September 30: The Revolutionary Reality & Catholic Retrenchment
October 7: France, the Party of Order, & the Catholic “Civil War”
October 21: Germania Docet!
November 11: A Second Spring in England & the Netherlands
November 18: La Civiltà Cattolica, L’Univers, Der Katholik & the Critique of Liberalism
December 2: The Risorgimento & the Assault on the Church & Italy
December 16: Quanta cura & the Syllabus of Errors
January 13: Vatican Council: The Theological Background
January 27: Vatican Council: Politics, the Debates & the Decrees
February 10: The Franco-Prussian War, the Breach of Porta Pia, & the Long-Term Effects of Vatican Council
February 24: Liberalism, Protestantism, & Catholicism in the New Europe
March 10: Kulturkampf & Catholic Response: Germany, Austria, Belgium, & the Netherlands
March 24: France: From “National Repentance” to “the Republic of the Republicans”
April 7: Anti-Liberalism & the Catholic Social Movement
April 14: Progress & Confrontation in the Americas
April 28: An Ever More Missionary Church
May 12: Russia and the Religious “Eastern Question”
All Sessions Meet on Sundays, at 2:30 P.M.
N.B. Participants will now have to be buzzed in at the Rectory entrance on Carmine Street, from 1:30 onwards. Access may still be available through the interior of the Church to the left of the main altar.
Wine & Cheese Reception. Entrance Fee at door of $15.00
Our Lady of Pompeii Church, Rectory Entrance, on Carmine Street
A, B, C, D, E, F, M trains to West 4th Street Station; 1 to Christopher Street
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