An interesting reaction to TC from the Orthodox world. I would of course disagree with some of the historical descriptions and theological views asserted below. Nevertheless, the conflict the author indentifies between “the unlimited power and obedience that was given to the bishop of Rome” and “the apostolic rite, apostolic disciplines and apostolic faith” gets to the heart od today’s crisis. Perhaps only the Orthodox can fully grasp the sheer audacity of the Novus Ordo: (T)o write the new Liturgy and suspend the old one, is the most impious and daring act that belongs only the most mad of heretics. As for the impact of TC on ecumenism with the Orthodox: (The) Orthodox Church cannot be in communion with those who use unapostolic rites.
Source: “Orthodox Church,” On the sorrowful Anniversary…
On the sorrowful anniversary of Rome’s separation from the Orthodox Church in 1054, Pope Francis has issued a new directive that restricts the use of the Latin Rite Traditional Liturgy and enables liberal and Marxist Roman-catholic bishops to eradicate the traditional form of worship from their jurisdictions. This coincidence is not an accident. It only proves that the Sacred Tradition cannot survive outside the Orthodox Church, from which Rome and it’s followers have separated almost 1000 years ago. The Liturgical abuse of the protestant new rite “Novus Ordo” is the ultimate rebellion against God and His apostolic rites. The Latin rite was slaughtered by the unlimited power and obedience that was given to the Bishop of Rome. Once the reformers captured the See of Rome: the apostolic rite, apostolic disciplines and apostolic faith never stood a chance against the charlatan and his clique. Orthodox Church cannot be in communion with those who use unapostolic rites. Although we are aware that mild and minor Liturgical changes do happen over time, these changes always must act as an upgrade, as an addition. So in time the Liturgy becomes more beautiful and more decorated. But to write the new Liturgy and suspend the old one, is the most impious and daring act that belongs only the most mad of heretics. In year 600, Saint Gregory the Great, the Pope of Rome, wrote a very small and beautiful addition to the Roman Liturgy, Rome’s Orthodox Population of that time, which did not believe in absolute power and obedience to the Pope of Rome, almost killed St. Gregory for daring to touch the Sacred Liturgy. In time, Rome’s heresies corrupted the faith of the western faithful, and in the 20th century Faithful offered little to no resistance to the most impious and blasphemous Liturgical reform. Even if an angel from heaven would come down and offer us new Liturgy (doctrine), we wouldn’t accept it.
Indeed, confirming the above critique is Michael Sean Winters of the anything-but-orthodox (in any sense of the word) National Catholic Reporter. He castigates Martin Mosebach for his “truly remarkable ignorance of actual Catholic teaching.” For Mosebach had written:
“Tradition stands above the pope. The old Mass, rooted deep in the first Christian millennium, is as a matter of principle beyond the pope’s authority to prohibit. Many provisions of Pope Benedict’s motu proprio can be set aside or modified, but this magisterial decision cannot be so easily done away with.”
Winters, even if his understanding of recent liturgical history is garbled, replies:
Has he (Mosebach) even heard of the liturgical movement, which began in the 19th century and led to the Constitution of the Divine Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, at Vatican II? The Council – and several popes previously, including the conservative Pope Pius XII and the reactionary Pius X – were constantly renewing our liturgical forms.
Winters thus champions unlimited papal power over the liturgy against Mosebach – who, after all, is relying on Summorum Pontificum (a papal document from 2007!) and, as we see, is stating what would be considered obvious truth in Orthodoxy. For the NCR of all publications to inveigh against “dissent against Pope Francis’ decision” does have a through-the-looking-glass quality about it. But it can’t be denied that, in many cases, the champions of TC, the Novus Ordo and Pope Prancis are indeed “the most mad of heretics.”
Winters, Michael Sean “Traditional Latin Mass advocates prove Pope Francis was right to suppress the old rite”
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