Just one week after its 38th anniversary, the St. Gregory Society offered its last Traditional Mass in New Haven today, permission having been withdrawn abruptly by the Archibishop of Hartford. The Solemn Votive Mass of St. Gregory the Great, patron of the Society, was assisted by a large choir which included the St. Gregory Society choir and the choirs of the Oratories of St. Patrick and Sts. Cyril and Methodius. The church was filled with friends and well-wishers. In his sermon, whose tone combined sadness with muted optimism, Fr. Cipolla expressed confidence that this last Mass only represented a hiatus.
“So now after this barrage of words that always fade into nothing, we proceed to the heart of the matter, where words do not merely change water into wine, but words effect an infinitely greater miracle, but not merely words or mere words or random words but the words of Him through whom the universe was created: Hoc est corpus meum.And there is nothing else to say. But much more to sing. And we will sing again.”
Father Cipolla’s full sermon here.
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