St Joseph’s in the Village makes it to Vatican News! The parish is run by the Dominicans – obviously having the right connections helps getting noticed!
St. Joseph Church set to open first Perpetual Adoration Chapel in New York
How can we otherwise explain how planning a minor chapel merits the attention of the Vatican? I also am not totally sure if this is the “first perpetual adoration chapel” in Manhattan – see here.
I have previouly described the history of St Joseph’s and the state of the Catholic Chaplaincy at NYU as it existed up to 2016 HERE. Whatever else we think of it, the promotion of Eucharistic adoration is a far cry from the practices of the ideologies that once dominated at St. Joseph’s. (Of course, nowadays a growing number of New York City parishes have taken up the progressive causes once championed at St. Joseph’s.) Yet what is the intention behind establishing this chapel? The chapel is promoted as a place to encounter God and “meet Jesus.” But this can be done in any church or really anywhere. There is no discussion of the specific reason why one would visit a chapel for eucharistic adoration – is this knowledge assumed to exist among the faithful today?
In contrast, nebulous psychological benefits are cited:
Such an intimate and quiet place might appear opposite to the busy and striving nature of New York. However, according to Fr. Boniface, “what keeps us striving is the natural human impulse for happiness. Striving for whatever we think will make us happy, which is holiness.”
“What we are hoping here is that people will encounter what brings peace to their souls, a place where they can find the ultimate consummation of their own desires.”
Security is a most important concern here.:
Much effort was spent on security planning. “Because this is the middle of Manhattan, you can’t just leave an open door. People will come to the parish office, and we will issue them a key card that will grant them access so that we can control who is in there, and people can feel safe as they enter the chapel,” Fr. Boniface explained.
Vatican News adds this advertisement at the bottom of the report:
The totalitarian drift of the Vatican becomes clearer with every day.
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