On Wednesday, January 31, a Mass will be celebrated on the feast day of Blessed Maria Cristina of Savoy – Queen of the Two Sicilies. The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George (of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) is of course a sponsor. But Fr. John Hunwicke has pointed out her connections with the house of Stuart and the Jacobite succession. A point of particular interest to me given my name!
From Fr. John Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment: Saintly Stuarts, from Blesssed Charles to Blessed Maria Christina
By a chance, January 31 is the memorial, optionally, in Naples, of one of blessed Charles’ descendants who was beatified on January 25 2014 in the Basilica of S Clare in Naples by Crescenzio Sepe, Cardinal Archbishop of Naples. Blessed Queen Maria Christina of Savoy was the daughter of Victor Emmanuel (de jure King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, 1819-1824) and sister of Maria Beatrice (de jure Queen Mary III and II of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, 1824-1840). Blessed Maria Christina was married to Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies, and mother of Francis, last King of the Two Sicilies before the Piedmontese usurpation. Her Eulogy describes her as ‘a prudent counsellor of the King and a true Mother of the poor and needy’. She was also a woman of great modesty, who by her influence prevented the use of the Death Penalty. She died in childbed when she was only twenty four. Here is her Collect, discovered by Fr Andrew Starkie, a learned priest of the Ordinariate.
Deus, qui in figura huius mundi beatam Mariam Christinam prudenti ardentique caritate decorasti et artificem in augmento Regni tui effecisti: tribue nobis, eius exemplo et intercessione; ut de vero amoris tui thesauro benefacientes accipere valeamus. Per.
(O God, which in the figure of this passing world [I Cor 7:31] didst adorn [Isa 61:10] Blessed Maria Christina with a wise and burning charity, and didst make her a worker in the increase of thy Kingdom: grant to us, by her example and intercession; that by doing right [I Pet 2:15] we may be able to receive of the very treasure of thy love. Through. (This rendering takes account of the Italian version, which is not exactly the same as the Latin, and of the Italian Commentary which accompanied the texts.)
The banquet which followed the Beatification, hosted by the de jure King of the Two Sicilies, was, by all accounts, a very ancien regime occasion … Golden Fleeces wall to wall … I bet the Holy Father would have loved to have been invited … I wonder how many of the descendants of blessed King Charles, through his prayers, are within the Church’s catalogus Sanctorum et Beatorum.
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