The Easter Vigil at St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk, CT.
17 Apr
The Easter Vigil at St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk, CT.
17 Apr
17 Apr
The Easter Vigil at St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk, CT, Part I. (Descriptions courtesy of John Pia)
16 Apr
The Mass of the Presanctified and the Veneration of the Holy Cross.
15 Apr
10 Apr
(Above) The asperges.
The Mass of the Palms: Blessing of the deacon prior to the reading the Gospel.
The Blessing of the Palms.
The start of the procession.
The cantors (above) and the schola of women (below).
(above) Cantors singing “Gloria Laus et Honor” (All Glory, Laud and Honor) before the entry of the procession into the church.
(Above) The Passion according to St. Matthew.
(Above and below) The singing of the conclusion of the Passion.